Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

First of all...can I just say that sometimes my job isn't so bad, esspecially when I spend half the day wrapping things from Tiffany's.

This past weekend I went to MO Ranch with FBC Boerne for their winter student leadership retreat. It was fabulous to get to hang out with all of the students that I miss and love!

A little nertz action...

An injury on the Ultimate Frisbee field...

Awesome ladies...Katherine, Sarah Anne, and Lindsey.

Last night Bethany and I met up with some great girls, Georgia and Kallie, for warm drinks and Christmas lights. Afterwards we watched 'Fred Kalus'!!


Beth said...

*psss, thanks for cropping that nasty alien head blemish on my face out of that pic...

Also, "kalus"?

Mary said...

wait a second....WE watched fred claus last night! Accept maybe it was a different movie because I don't think ours was spelled like that!

NNA said...

Hi, I found your blog post through a search for "Nertz". It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to let you know about, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks