Bethany, Benj, and I have gone into business together. It's only temporary. My boss has a colony of feral cats in his yard that he feeds twice a day. he really loves these cats, but he wants them to stop multiplying. He is willing to pay a pretty penny to the person/s that catch every last one of these cats and has them spayed/nuteured. I have been pretty much worthless because I am always at work, but collectively we have trapped 8 cats (there are 16-17 all together). That means we are half way there!!!
Benj has been very clever in his cat nabbing, please see folowing photos.
I put a link to this post on my blog so that I wouldn't have to steal your pictures! Hope that's ok. and I accidentally posted a comment on your older post..oops.
russo, here is a guy from austin my mom told me about. i thought you would enjoy....
"Cat Nabbing" don't you mean CatNapping?
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