Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Word of God Speak!

So since I am retiring my old Bible, I thought I would post SOME of the quotes that I had written inside the covers of my old Bible. When someone says something that makes me think...I jot it down in the inside cover of my Bible to remember (my new Bible has a whole section in the back for notes!).

"The Bible is not a bunch of individual stories with a moral purpose. It all ties together and shows us how God has pursued a relationship with us since eternity past." - Dave Tooker

"The Bible knows nothing of worship without Jesus Christ." - Charlie McCall

"My unfaithfulness can NEVER match the faithfulness of Christ." - Kelly Doherty

A persons understanding of what the Lord has done for them can be judged by the variety of people in their life.

"Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth closed." - Ben Caudill (5 yrs old)

Eph 4:28 - "Its not about getting rid of desire, its about giving oursleves to bigger, better , more powerful desires." - Rob Bell

"Godly sorrow produces repentance." - Joel Quile

"God never wastes a tear." - Mike Harkrider

"Stop waiting fpr Jesus to do what He has told YOU to do, and stop trying to do what He says HE will do." - Bubba Stahl

"What will be the greatest event that will take place in your life this year? Will it be the glory of God manifested in your life?" - Dave McCall

"Obedience is a matter of timing and opportunity, rather than ability." - Bubba Stahl

Acts 4:19-20 - Talking about the life of Christ should be like breathing to me.

"Christ is only limited by the measure of my availability to ALL that He makes available to me." - Major Ian Thomas

"All that He is, is all that I have." - Kelly Doherty

"Change comes when the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of changing." - Quote Lisa J. told me...not sure who said it first?

"I did not ask for success, I asked for wonder." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

My relationship with Christ should be the ONLY thing that defines who I am!

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