Monday, April 6, 2009

Just an update...

I don't really have anything exciting to update this with, but I feel like I need to write on here, so that all of you out there in internet land don't think I have disappeared.

I spent the weekend in Dallas with mom, Mary and Julia. Mom and Mary went to a women's conference on Friday night and Saturday and I played nanny to Julia. I decided after this weekend that I am WAY to selfish to have children. I mean, I'm sure I will have them someday and I look forward to that season in my life, but at this point in life, I am sooooo not ready to be a mommy. Geez...EVERYTHING reevolved around Julia this weekend and although she is the sweetest baby ever, I was exhausted. So to all of you mothers out there in internet land...hats off to you!

That's all I got right now. Hop over and check out my photography blog for the latest pictures:)

1 comment:

Rachel Oberg - De Ma Cuisine said...

I completely agree with you about the kid thing. I thought I might be ready, then started spending more time with kids. I love them so much (the kids of the people I work with), but I am too selfish! I don't know how people do it. My hat is also off to any parents!