Isaiah 43:18-19
I often find myself wishing for the "good ol' days" again. I think sometimes I spend so much time thinking about what used to be and how I miss it, that I miss out on the things that the Lord is doing NOW. The Lord is working...and instead of seeking Him with every fiber of my being to be aware of the things He is doing, I just keep asking why things aren't the way they used to be, or the way I want them to be or expected them to be.
I know that my God is good and everything He does is GOOD. So, even though things aren't the way I thought they'd be, or things don't seem to be as good as they at one time were. I will continue to surrender. I will continue to be obedient. I will continue to fix my eyes on Him, if only for a glimpse of what is to come....I want to be aware of the new things and not be so focused on the "OLD". Tomorrow is another day...another opportunity to surrender!

this has been on my mind a lot lately too. its hard sometimes. but, i think every 'stage' of our lives, it happens. which is actually a good thing, maybe, to think you will someday look back at this 'stage' and like it too. does that make sense? anyways. thanks for the share, and the good verse. i know you are not the only one who goes through this.
what does the picture of you about to flush your beta fish have to do with your post?...haha...wanna know my word verification for this comment? It's "hedlis"...like headless..haha...like the fish!
Well, Lisa and I were shopping one day and we saw a beautiful beta. But we already had a beta at home. We decided this one was prettier than the one we had, so we bought it, wen't home and flushed the old one...to make room for the new one. See, the whole "out with the old, in with the new" theme is consistent with my blog post:) But only Lisa and I would know that.
thats hilarious. i never knew that story.
are y'all drinking toilet water?!
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