Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Made a Big Mistake

You know how when most people take a personality test, they are sometimes a little bit of each personality, or they're mostly one but have some of the traits fo another. Not me. I am always 100%, cookie cutter "choleric", "Type A", or "Red".

"A dominant Red score indicates life’s experiences must make sense to
. You are logical, practical and do not display emotions easily. Because of your desire for structure, you seek control of both your environment and people, and are sometimes seen by others as domineering. You are punctual and may become irritated if you think your time is being wasted. A natural leader, you are driven by the need for power and control. What stresses you is lack of organization and last minute changes."
I keep trying to make sense of the events that have been occuring in my life. I keep trying to see the result. I don't care about how the result is obtained, I just want to get to the end. I don't finish books, because I think I "already know how it is going to end." I am not a very good listener because I think "I already know what you're going to say."

On November 1st University of Texas played Texas Tech (huge rivalry game). I watched a little bit of it, but I stopped watching at half time when the score was Tech,22/UT,3. No need to "waste" my time when I knew how it would end. The next day I told my boss (who was at the game) that I turned it off at half time and his response was "You made a big missed a really exciting game." You see, UT came back in the 2nd half making the score UT,33/Tech,32. Yes, Tech did score with 1:26 on the clock and WON the game, so the result was the same whether I participated or not, but I missed it. Not too big of a deal, but it just got me to thinking about how many other "exciting" things I miss out on because I think it's a waste of my time. I have never really taken the time to enjoy the "process."

Charles Spurgeon said: "Give God credit for knowing some things that you don't."

I am learning more and more about the character of God and seeing that He is VERY interested in the details and the process...its called SANCTIFICATION. Yes, I know how it ends...I am made perfect and complete, lacking nothing. But becoming like Jesus is a process...and it's a process that I have been predestined for. "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." -Romans 8:29

I am realizing that it is harder for me to trust Jesus in the day to day stuff, than it is for me to trust Him through huge trials and challenging events. Because I usually get to see the end of the BIG things, its the little things that I "don't see the point" and my personality says that my time is being wasted. I'm learning...learning to find joy in the process.

I don't want to miss anymore "exciting games."

P.S. Sorry that this post was so long and there were no pictures AND i used a million quotations and lots of bad grammar and sentences with too many and's in them:) Welcome to writer's hell!!! ((muaahhahaha))


Anonymous said...

i think you should write a devotion book. do it.

heather said...

see, this is why i love reading your blog. other than the obvious fact that i can feel connected to your life even though we're far away, i see so much of myself in your experiences, and am forced to acknowledge God in those moments. Not that I need forcing. Okay, maybe I do sometimes... ;)

You're the master of spiritual analogies. I agree with Katie.

Rachel said...

I am so not the "MASTER" should look at all of my previous blogs...there are only a few that even have spiritual content. Thanks for the compliment though, guys!